Dealing With The Winter Lurgy

winter lurgy, flu, sick, lurgy

I have the flu; I’ve spent two works off work (aside from the two days where I went back to work, before I started feeling shitty again), bored out of my mind.

winter lurgy, flu, sick, lurgy

I was freezing in that photo, I was wearing a pair of woollen tights, a pair of pants, two long sleeved tops, a hoodie, fluffy socks and was wrapped in a fluffy blanket, and I was still fucking cold.

We all know that being sick, and bored sucks, so I thought I’d share a few of my favourite things to do when I really don’t feel like doing much.

heart Watching TV/Movies
I watch pretty mindless things when I’m sick; stuff I know I’ll enjoy, but won’t feel bad if I fall asleep watching (trashy reality TV shows and romantic comedies are my not so secret guilty pleasure). Right now, I’m rewatching the season of finale of iZombie (turns out you miss a whole bunch when you can’t concentrate properly).

heart Watching Youtube Videos
I’ve been watching a lot of Youtube videos, especially (it’s a Singaporean lifestyle channel); I’ve really been enjoying a few or their shows, especially Tried and Tested, The Clicked Show, and Hack It – they’re so entertaining.

winter lurgy, flu, sick, lurgy

heart Reading Books
I downloaded a few eBooks onto my kindle at the beginning of the year, and so read a couple of those while I was in bed. I chose books that were simple, with storylines I knew I’d enjoy, so I’d be able to concentrate, without doing my head in.

winter lurgy, flu, sick, lurgy

heart Going For A Walk
I really needed fresh air, so on Friday, I went for a walk to Fisherman’s Plate to get some Pho (seriously, their pho is the best) and to get some more supplies from the supermarket.

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heart Having a warm bath/shower
Warm baths are relaxing and great for achey muscles, so I’ve had a few baths recently.

heart Other Tips
Make sure you have everything you’ll need close by (I have a little box on my bedside table with painkillers, antibiotics and vapour rub and have a pile of DVDs next to my bed), drink plenty of fluids, eat well (pho and fresh fruit have been my lifesavers) and get plenty of rest.

2 thoughts on “Dealing With The Winter Lurgy

  1. Jess says:

    These are some awesome tips. I agree there is nothing worse than being stuck at home bored out of your mind!
    Hope you are feeling better though!

    • Kahurangi says:

      Hey! Thanks for the well wishes – I’m still feeling fairly sick (fairly certain this is the sickest I’ve been in years). Hopefully on the upward mend though x
